Friday, September 17, 2010

New Day, New Season

Okay, I have finally decided to join the masses, and start blogging.  I have recently moved back to my hometown, Detroit from the wilds of suburban Maryland, and decided this is a great way to keep myself motivated to keep writing, and hopefully will be a way to keep in contact with now-long distance friends.  I know most blogs are supposed to have some kind of general direction, whether it's dedicated to commercial photography, or gourmet cooking, or beauty products, but I don't know in which direction this will go.  I imagine I will just write about whatever comes to my mind.  Since I like to talk alot, and I like to write alot, this should be a piece of cake.  However, my sanguine mind thinks that structure is a poison delivered by secret nemesis in order to stress me out, so I can't guarantee that my posts will be anywhere near on a consistent basis.  I do have other things to do, you know.  Like right now.  But hopefully, this will be an outlet for all the crazies in my mind.

I chose the pen name Hope Floats, because Nadia means hope.  And with all the recent changes in my life, Hope truly does spring eternal, as they say.

That being said, I do hope any friends or followers I pick up will enjoy the journey down the rabbit hole with me.  I plan to discuss cultural and current events, as well as random occurrences in my life.  I promise not to make this a blog evaluating lipstick brands, or the best haircare products.  Scout's honor.  First post done.  :)  Here we go.

--Hope Floats